Artists in Residence

Individual coaching

Participants receive frequent coaching sessions in voice and piano as preparation for master-class performance.
In addition, intensive training in German elocution is provided in two stages:

  1. individual coaching in the fundamentals of traditional „stage German”, leading to professionally acceptable pronunciation
  2. coaching in formal recitation of lyric poetry with Viennese actors and actresses

Wolfgang Dosch

Wolfgang Dosch is an Austrian stage director, singer, and actor, especially known for his productions at major houses throughout Austria and Germany. Professor of Opera and Drama at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, Mr. Dosch serves as Head of Academic Programme Classical Operetta.

Frans Huijts

The Dutch baritone is Head of the Vocal Music Department at the Rotterdam Conservatory and former President of the Netherlands Association of Singing Teachers. He performs extensively as a concert artist in oratorios and song recitals

Gabriele Jacoby

Gaby Jacoby is one of Austria's most famous actresses, starring in both stage productions and in musicals at all major theaters as well as in films and television.

Natasha Loges

She is Professor of Musicology at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany. Her research inter- ests include voice and keyboard repertoire. She has lectured at the Oxford Lieder Festival and Leeds Lieder in the UK, Liedfestival Zeist in Holland aside of other classes.

Stephan Loges

Both, Lieder and opera, are represented equally in the repertoire of the German-British bassbariton Stephan Loges. He is teaching at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he created a course focusing on German Lied and further Lied projects.

Michael McMahon

The pianist and vocal coach Michael McMahon, Professor at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, is one of Canada's foremost accompanists and an illustrious mentor of the Lied repertoire.

Waltraud Österreicher

The Austrian actress Waltraud Österreicher is a professional training specialist whose seminars in the techniques of imaginative expression for the performer are much in demand.

Reinhold Schaffrath

A native of northern Germany, Dr. Reinhold Schaffrath is an experienced actor, singer, voice teacher, and stage director, whose hobbies include the writing of poetry.

Benno Schollum

Benno Schollum, an international authority in German singing diction, teaches at the Music University of Vienna and is well-known internationally as a baritone concert soloist.

Richard Stokes

He is Professor of Lieder at the Royal Academy of Music, London. As a leading lecturer of German Lied he has given many lectures and masterclasses throughout Great Britain and Europe.

Armin Zanner

Born in Scotland to German and Scottish parents, Armin Zanner is a baritone and currently Head of Vocal Studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Member of the artistic board of the Franz-Schubert-Institut.